It was already between Stop The World or The Middle as my favorite song, but I think Stop The World just edged it out.
In reality, STW is a much more prolific song than anything Taylor Swift has ever written. Figures it was a collab with a Jonas Brother.
Originally posted by DynamiteD1VA
Has he got a reputation??
Yeah I really do like it when songs do actually reflect something going on in an artists life, it shows how personal the music is etc etc, Dignity (the only Hilary album I've listened to full was) full of them, wasn't Dreamer about a stalker or something?
Idk, I've heard things about them, back when they were signed to HWR.
Yes, Hilary's Dreamer was a playful jab at an obsessed stalker.
Stranger & Gypsy Woman supposedly told from her mother's POV, but most likely having to do with her ex Joel too.
Dignity - self explanatory. With Love - About Joel at the time, written for her perfume though. Danger about advances from an older man and her considering it. Never Stop about one of her bff's. Between You & Me is rumored to be about the same person as Danger, told from a different perspective. No Work, All Play = Self explanatory. Happy = About Aaron. Burned = Herself, I Wish = We're not sure. PWF = Aaron.