Yes, Empress Chaka made a superior version of this song. Still, Whitney owned it and delivered quite an enjoyable anthem of female empowerment for the 90s that deserves nothing less than a perfect ten.
I believe Connor and alkralkra sabotaged this one, thinking that it might make the top 5 or something. He feels that it is "Chaka or bust." Not so, mister. Valentine disagrees with his assessment and states that "Man or woman, this song is so damn euphoric!". Nightingale "bops to it", even though he "never really liked this song too much, but it's a classic."
I can set your needs like rain unto the seeds
10 Latinazza
10 Ivory.
10 gaga casanova
10 Satan
10 Valentine
10 Supaspaz
10 TheWay WeWere
10 KasioKas
10 Blue Timber Wolf
9 jdmc218
9 That Bad Eartha
9 Kool Aid King
9 Stoned Soul Picnic
8.25 Dontwantfun
8 MP2K
8 fememeist
8 dcode78
8 Quicksand
7.5 Vilppu
7 Luminescent
7 UnusualBoy
7 pearlmercury
6 feelslike adream
6 Achilles
6 Nightingale
5 Reverie
5 Dylobs
5 thispussy
4 Rocket
2 conatus
2 alkralkra