Her lyrics are the other reason she's getting so much flack. They've become so kitschy and/or cringy (Donatella, Fashion!, Swine, Applause (although they've become sort of iconic ki), Venus, ARTPOP, MJH) and it has been a problem since 2011. There's a reason Sexxx Dreams and DWUW are the most praised tracks. It's a shame because the album's good if you can look past that, the catchy pop hooks are all there. I think it's just as good if not better than BTW.
It's a shame because I really enjoy the album. Aura/Venus/GUY/Sexxx Dreams/Applause/DWUW/Fashion!/Gypsy/Dope/Artpop/Manicure are all enjoyable to me. But if these harsh reviews lead her to write good lyrics again I won't complain tbh
Good thing no one bases their purchase on reviews anymore, she just needs the hits. Gypsy/Sexxx Dreams/G.U.Y. for the rescue.
But yeah hopefully no ARTPOP pt 2, but a new album with a new less backfiring title