A friend of mine used to work at Subway and he told me that most stores are halal, which is why the chain gets a lot of business from the muslim community. I don't blame them for wanting to provide a better service to them.
Originally posted by CakeLike
First of all they are only doing this in areas that have high muslim percentages or areas that have low bacon/ham sales, it's called business. Secondly I'm a vegetarian and find it hilarious at those saying halal is barbaric and they should not be subjected to eating it, have y'all seen how western slaughter houses treat animals? They are much worse and suffer much more than halal guidelined animals , stop using this as a way to spread your ignorance
Exactly this. I'm not a vegetarian but I'm also not a hypocrite. If you're a meat eater, then you should open your eyes to how your food is raised and killed before blindly pointing fingers.