But I wanna know what this new sound is? Gaga stans got an announcement, Britney stans got a song & what do we get? Tweets from OTHER people. :nocheer:
But I wanna know what this new sound is? Gaga stans got an announcement, Britney stans got a song & what do we get? Tweets from OTHER people. :nocheer:
& They never spill the real tea, Always beating around the bushes
But I wanna know what this new sound is? Gaga stans got an announcement, Britney stans got a song & what do we get? Tweets from OTHER people. :nocheer:
That's true. Errbody got somethang and we got nothing. And we do not even know if those tweets are true.
Yup, I already saw this but it's just amazing. But this still isn't doing it for me. I want a confirmation or something. I want to go to Beyonceonline.com and see that they are under construction!!!!
Yup, I already saw this but it's just amazing. But this still isn't doing it for me. I want a confirmation or something. I want to go to Beyonceonline.com and see that they are under construction!!!!
OH! I'm always late.
I don't think we will get any news until late spring early summer
Ch at LOSDa*****stro, I'm not here for her and her lies. If she doesn't have 100% true tea she needs to keep whatever info she has closed between her ****** buttcheeks. I will cut that bitch.
I think the producers thought they could leak a Beyoncé single but Beyoncé said Oh Hell Naw!!! So in the end the producers have nothing to say. Beyoncé puts always a hold on something.
Bee needs to come back NOW!
I can't at all this Hold It Againts Me **** all over ATRL... I like Britney but c'mon!! there nothing special to it! Only Girl is a waaay better dance song than this...
So please Bee... come back soon!!! It's either you or Gaga that will make them shut up!