Originally posted by Jolie's Lips
Anyhow, a Gaga stan getting banned over calling a black artist an ape while a Britney stan calling a black artist a gorilla gets 0 WP's shows you the inconsistency of the moderation system + that some mods have no backbone.
Conclusion: replace a few of the older mods with consistent Gaga stans. I mean, we're by far the biggest stanbase so we deserve the most representation.
You keep complaining about mods' inconsistency on racism yet just yesterday you received a reminder instead of a wp for nicknaming a member which is clearly not allowed. I didn't hear you complaining about that and asking for the reminder to be turned into a proper wp to keep things "
Why don't you take that as a gesture of good will and stop spamming the HQ about the same issue especially since most of the mods noticed your concerns already.