Okay I guess. I wasn't really here for him. Sorry I killed his Raticate I guess. Gary >>>
Teneo: Other than the plot-twist element he was the first time you played the games, he wasn't that special. He basically lasted in the E4 the same amount of time a Ciara album lasted on the charts.
8thPrince: You deserve to sweep this time, bae
complexion: ICON Blue is coming for faves horse hair
dancepopCC: Irritating little ****
BubbleGomme:Cute, and provides challenge with his teams.
HausofNiko:The original jerk that I loved secretly
RihannaRTT: SON! Taunt me king.
PhreshDiamond: !Ble! coming for your purses and wallets! hide yo kids
Inner Insanity: If he wasn't such an asshole, I would have given him a 10.
[Someone]: cute, blonde, and water - but who names their child that?
Inner Insanity: I want him to cook for me.
RihannaRTT: Not even Starmie could save ha
Teneo: I liked him but mess, another water trainer? Tired of them tbh
Porygon2z: nice
8thPrince: COOKING KING. Hottie. Daddy
complexion:why are all water type make trainers low key gay
dancepopCC: Simple elegance
BubbleGomme:He's a chef, and has Starmie and Gyarados. Slay