Originally posted by Mr.Link
Poor Christina and I really mean it. It seems like her whole fan base turned their back on her.
I mean even The Weeknd is gonna outsell her with no hits at all.
Or she alienated her fanbase. Madonna, Janet, Britney, Rihanna, Pink were pretty good at reinventing themselves through progression and not drastic measures. Christina went too extreme
teen pop singer that didn't like being teen pop
raunchy rebellious girl that wanted to be taken serious and be half-naked and sexual as well
throwback to an era in which she wasn't born
"futuristic" era
and this new era...not sure how to describe it.
So the fans that liked her because she could actually sing felt betrayed, the fans that didn't think she needed to sell sex to be a star felt betrayed, the fans that embraced that oversexed image didn't embrace this throwback era, the fans that didn't understand the "futuristic, yet dated" sound felt betrayed and the fans that feel like she has yet to learn her lesson feels betrayed.
I never thought she would misstep and disinfranchise (sp.) her base but it goes to show you that it is a business.