here's what i think about beyonce's new single (what it might sound like, etc.)
i had a dream about 2 months ago, and from what i heard in my dream, it was a mid-tempo to fast-tempo dance track, very urban, a fresh new sound but also something that will sound familiar about it, it will have a dance to it, and it becomes popular very fast (as usual). i mean i wasn't even thinkin about it (her new single dropping) at the time i fell asleep, but it happened. then i when i woke up, i couldn't remember how it sounded. *i hate that*
and also, in the last week or so, i've had more dreams about more new songs from her. and they all sound like very memorable club-BANGERS (even after this era is over) And they all are club-bangers. amazing!
if only i could translate those dreams to a snippet or something so you guys could hear them...