This Budweiser deal includes 160 events for Rihanna and Jay-Z they already covered ~60dates for Rihanna+ the 15dates Jay-Z is doing with JT this summer + Made In America festival. Which means there already ~76dates done and I doubt Jay is going to do ~100dates if he goes on tour(the most he ever did is 63 and that was with Kanye). We getting alot more DWT dates
Not sure all depends how many dates Jay-z does with his tour but considering the most he did on his own is 23dates and 63with Kanye West, I don't expect him to do more than 60dates. Which leave 40concerts for this deal
Budweiser was only for International dates so take out the 36 US dates which leave 61dates/160 and Jay-Z has his summer tour(15dates) with JT 76/160 plus his festival Made in America 77/160, which leave 83dates for the contract but Jay-Z is also going on tour but like I said he not much of a touring artist and never does a lot of dates, Rihanna might have an extra 30dates added to DWT.
Budweiser was only for International dates so take out the 36 US dates which leave 61dates/160 and Jay-Z has his summer tour(15dates) with JT 76/160 plus his festival Made in America 77/160, which leave 83dates for the contract but Jay-Z is also going on tour but like I said he not much of a touring artist and never does a lot of dates, Rihanna might have an extra 30dates added to DWT.
They have to filled the contract and Jay-Z isn't a touring artist, Rihanna is the only touring artist in that deal.
As much as i want more dates, I think that Jay will announce his own tour since he'll most likely promote MC...HG and he also hinted at a possible Watch The Throne 2.