Originally posted by KarlosVzla
I really love the cast tho. I mean, I know there's so many other better girls they could have gotten but the only girl I feel shouldn't be here is Danni because she's weak as hell. Like I said, if Julie can manage to manipulate and get into fights she'll be one of the most entertaining. Let's face it, she's kinda iconic. Judi's drunken ass is hilarious and I haven't seen her since S7 pretty much.
I just don't want to see Judi being a dumb bitch again. Like bitch grow up and be a woman, aren't you tired of people looking at you like a drunken ass little clown kid? Like on the All Star Moments with Tanisha , Judi purposely said dumb **** and Tanisha and Camilla looked at her like how your Mom looks at a small child who doesn't know any better...idk. I'd hate to constantly feel babied when I'm 25