Originally posted by spree
i know basic math, thank you very much.
but shouldn't she be back to massive updates starting today?
No. The massive updates were only because there were no spins from the previous week to pull them down. Its first week it was getting 100% completely new spins. This week it's not getting 100% new spins. A good deal of the spins it's getting now it also got last week, so its updates are not going to be as massive as the first week. Though, she can easily go back to +200s soon. (But that's only if the song picks up well enough to do so.)
And it's not doing terribly, it's just taking a nice ascend. A +113 is nothing to sneeze at. Sure it's not the updates we're used to seeing from Gaga, but that isn't bad. This song could easily still be a hit. And I think it's better to have a normal ascend then a quick ascend. Better longevity.