Tip: There's this thing that's offering 400 SB where all you have to do is sign up for this thing you have to install. You just sign up with your info (address included, but that's the only big thing.) It's legitimate and worked for me. It's called Permission Research, I don't know if it's on the main page or whatnot but it was inboxed to me (assuming that we're not all inboxed the same stuff.)
I have 1,318 SB now. This is only like, my 9th day or something. Gonna try and shoot for a $15/20 Amazon card.
The site is blacklisted across many platforms, and the program it installs is spyware.
The service is blacklisted by these anti-malware programs:
Someone did it just at the top of the page Sorry for being desperate, geez... calm down a biT
Yes, I just added it today. I was just quoting it before the thread becomes full of referral links that aren't going to contribute anything of substance. I am perfectly calm
Yes, I just added it today. I was just quoting it before the thread becomes full of referral links that aren't going to contribute anything of substance. I am perfectly calm
I don't get why you can have your referral link in the OP but we can't post ours.