I know, which is why Im kind've disappointed that she wants to go that route. Super Bass, as crazy as people might think I am for saying it, was very unique (to me at least.) It was a unique sound for Nicki that I think no one else could make work for them. That's the kind of pop I was expecting for this album. Not Flo Rida sounding tracks. Like I said, I'm already liking some of those snippets, but it doesn't take away from the fact that someone else can make it sound just as good. Hardly anyone I could think of could do Super Bass justice Am I crazy or is someone with me, Super Bass was unique and the perfect blend of pop/rap.
The difference between Super Bass and Starships (and the other dance-pop songs) is that SB doesn't rely on it's production. Notice how Va Va Voom (aka SB 2.0) had the vocals so much louder than music in the verses. Everyone knows (or attempts to know) the Super Bass rap. It's equally the main focus of the song, along with the super catchy chorus/hook. Not many people would actually recognise that Nicki is rapping in Starships, since their attention is drawn to a massive chorus and breakdown. Super Bass is the perfect blend of Pop/Rap.
The difference between Super Bass and Starships (and the other dance-pop songs) is that SB doesn't rely on it's production. Notice how Va Va Voom (aka SB 2.0) had the vocals so much louder than music in the verses. Everyone knows (or attempts to know) the Super Bass rap. It's equally the main focus of the song, along with the super catchy chorus/hook. Not many people would actually recognise that Nicki is rapping in Starships, since their attention is drawn to a massive chorus and breakdown. Super Bass is the perfect blend of Pop/Rap.
i remember her saying in an interview that she was really getting into electronic dance music or something like that, so i was kind of expecting it but i didn't think she'd take it to an extreme
i remember her saying in an interview that she was really getting into electronic dance music or something like that, so i was kind of expecting it but i didn't think she'd take it to an extreme
dont worry she changes things up each album we may not here much of it in the next era