Originally posted by -Lewymocha-
Are you seriously all complaining about her promo? She's had standard promo for a normal pop artist. She's on a TV show, doing interviews, doing performances, flying to Australia. Damn the girl is trying! She can do no more to help it yet you guys are slamming her. She is trying. Appreciate the music now. This era is over chart-wise.
I'm sorry but the promo she has been doing has been mediocre. There are a lot of interviews that never were released. She only did 2 performances in US, she was at LA twice this month and she was just shopping and walking around, what a surprise. She said she had a lot of energy, but to be honest, where is it? at least me, I can't see it. She's lacking interest in this. The promo in Australia was huge and it helped, but what about US?, I don't really think she's ''trying'', she hasn't done any major interviews. We love her, I do, I have stanned for her since I was around 7 years old back in 2002. It's just disappointing how she's not showing interest.
Also let's not mention that Andre doesn't really help at all, he doesn't book her any awards or performances. I don't know what is happening. This is a mess. But yeah, at least we got two new songs. It could be worse, I think.