Once Upon a Dream
#15 Russia
#29 Finland
#45 Brazil
#67 Italy
#76 Mexico
#79 Spain
#111 Netherlands
#116 Australia
#124 France
#125 Chile
#133 United States
#145 Canada
#146 United Kingdom
#148 New Zealand
#162 Austria
#193 Switzerland
#201 Germany
#353 El Salvador
I love Lana more than anything, but did you all really expect a banner for this? It's a hauntingly beautiful song, but it's a cover. It's not really a 'new single'. If she had maybe wrote a new song that incorporated the original than sure..Britney got a banner because her song for the smurfs was a completely original one.
..That said, I bought it, and gifted it to my mom, aunt, and cousin.
Trailer on youtube has 10.7 million hits since 26/1/14 and fan uploaded full song has 2.2 million hits since 26/1/14! And the song seems to be helping convert previous non fans into fans given the responses on youtube.