Originally posted by Wafflecakes
Its singles were not nearly as big or well known as they are in your very healthy imagination
How is it my imagination? Adeles singles from this album are what you hear as distant background noise while shopping for groceries or in the waiting room for your dentist as you flip through a magazine. They blend into whatever comes before and after them and you forget you've even heard them. Whereas Beyonces tracks from Lemonade are present where it matters.
I don't understand how I can be perceived to be imaginative or bias when I literally hold zero bias for Beyonce or against Adele. Surely the hive can attest to this? I rarely come to her defense lol I kind of just think Adele stans are being overprotective and because she has high stats they can back up their own delusion with numbers. Which is hard to argue against not going to lie but it doesnt make them right.