My battle with Misty was incredible
I brought my Bulbasaur and my Pikachu this time (I do it like the anime, so it was 2 on 2)
I just got my bulbasaur right before the fight, I only used it against Garry and that was it, it was a bit of a risk considering it only knows Tackle / Growl / Leech seed but we pulled through just barely
I sent out bulbasaur first against her Staryu, I used leech seed then spammed growl, bulbasaur was down to 7 health from all the stalling and waiting, but it came to a point where leech seed was giving Bulbasaur the same amount of HP that it was losing from Staryu, so i got staryu down to low red and my bulbasaur was slaying with 7 hp not losing anything because it regained it with the seeds. Then she got a crit and killed my bulbasaur and was like welp
I sent out my pikachu and used quick attack to get rid of staryu and then it was Starmie vs Pikachu. I used thunder wave to make pikachu faster + hopefully make starmie miss some moves, then I used double team 3 times, got hit my 2 tackles and pikachu was down to 12 hp, but then he was paralyzed and i had 3 double teams and Misty missed 6 times in a row and I hit thundershock 6 times in a row and I won
Phew that was close but it was fun!
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