Someone would be doing me a huge favor if they could make a few gifs for me.
Just the very short bit around 2:37 where the girl bites the fish.
Could you make me a gif of everything from 1:18 (Sophie giving that girl the evil eye) to 1:28 (girl hitting the floor)? Also, a gif of everything from 2:23 (picking up butter) to 2:30 (Sophie smiling after causing the girl to fall on her ass). And finally, could you make me a 125x125 avatar of 3:43 to 3:50?
You should provide us with the video and the wanted frames.
You have to be active too, if you want us to use our precious time on making the GIF for you.
I would like 2 normal sized GIFS from :24-:30 & 3:08-3:11. Please and Thank You!
Originally posted by iputrecordson
125x125 and 200x250
4:08 to 4:09 (Just the scene where he's flying)
125x125 and 200x250
0:15 to 18 (Just the scene where he's wearing white)
Whoops, I forgot to do these.
Originally posted by Santaus
You should provide us with the video and the wanted frames. You have to be active too, if you want us to use our precious time on making the GIF for you.
Girl, what? I don't give a **** if they barely post.