Originally posted by HausofCherry
Take It Off didn't have amazing sales or top 40 support... and We R Who We R sounds just like it. Granted, it's brand new Ke$ha music, so I'm expecting it to do better, but I really don't see it going #1.
I worded that wrong. I'm meaning to say, it was such a hyped song sine album release, that due to them waiting so late to release it, the hype kind of wore off. It should've been the 2nd single, would've done SO much better. But this is new music, so I'm thinking radio/buyers will jump ALL over it.
I'd also like to throw in a thought i had, "Take It Off" doesn't even sound like Ke$ha. A lot of my friends always ask in the car why the voice is so deep and who is it. This has her identifiable "vocals", like from "Tik Tok" & "YLIMD".