Originally posted by Iman
it better be an all out all star season or just all out newbies. i dont like the way its half assed this past seasons
I really don't think it's going to be all-stars.
Besides the rumours and trolling by past HGs, the only evidence I've seen is the lack of BB15 in the preview. They only really showed Helen and focused mostly on ~BB14; which seemed strange, but they probably did it because BB14 has far more positive acclaim than 15, which has a stigma.
The fact that Jeff isn't going to be in the house makes me question the possibility of a 100% all-stars; Grodner loves him too much and so do the viewers. There's no way they'd do a season bringing back all these people and leave him out. Dick could be lying, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't go back anyway. Rachel said she's trying to get pregnant and Brendon on his final phD run which will overlap the BB timeline. Of course, they both love BB enough to probably drop everything and do it- but Rachel has heavily hinted twice now that she won't be in the house. Obviously, all-stars without Rachel would piss a lot of people off. That being said, she hinted at Elissa returning, which is interesting.
I mean, do you guys really want an entire season with Janelle, Boogie, Danielle, Dan, Jeff, Brendon etc. AGAIN?! As much as I love those people, I'd rather just have all newbies- let new people enter the house and create new all-stars. BB has already had some of their all-stars be on three separate seasons and the ones that haven't doubled up aren't going to attract new viewers, only veteran watchers. Based on promo and the new logo design, that's not the root they are taking.
Jase, Nakomis, Jessie, Renny, Matt, Dustin and Eric could all make great returnees tho.
and I wouldn't mind if it was half newbies and half vets tbh.