These are the reasons and problems I have with HvV that make me unable to put it at no.1:
- questionable casting.
- somewhat lousy boot order.
- Pagonging of Heroes with the exception of Danielle.
- Russel going from CPN5 to OTTNN6.
- Courtney not gracing our screens enough.
- Sandra downplayed to MORP5, and not given enough time.
- A lot of input on gameplay, not so much on characters; we saw *nothing* of Jerri and Colby story, for example, they made up and you would think that almost 20-seasons-long story arc would be epic to include, but I guess not,
- I found that a lot of player's legacies to be almost diminished, Colby, Sugar, Tom, Cirie; I mean, you can expect that to happen with all star seasons, but yeah.
There were some really epic moments, but I can't simply put it in first place. My top 3 would be one of Gabon, China, Pearls Is. and Philippines, I can't really decide.