Tomb Raider ha Sims 4 era is here. at keast have the decency to not treat your fans like complete **** and straight up say if it is timed / why they made the decision.
Isn't it obvious?
Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics got greedy and put M$'s money in front of the consumers.
Of course it's gonna be on the 360 I mean Are they gonna settle for selling little to no copies? Gotta moves those numbers somehow.
When MS announce games they are usually more specific saying stuff like "coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox one exclusively in holiday 2015", but the only said "exclusive to Xbox". I would not be surprised if they either cancel or stagger the 360 release in hope of selling more Xbox One's. They already cancelled 3 versions of the game, a 4th doesn't seem unlikely.
A cross-gen? That makes no sense when you read their explanation for exclusivity (creating a better game graphically etc.)
I'm relieved, though, cuz I own a 360
But I wanted to play it on a better console. NOT X1.
So people are going to whine and bitch about how greedy they are for two weeks but then do a complete 180' turn once they actually see how good the gameplay is?