Things to consider when nominating...
-Diversity of stanship
-Diversity of type of thinker
-Diversity of gender
-Diversity of sexuality
-Diversity of age
Let's do it like this... If you are interested in being on the panel, put your name below. Nominations will commence later, where you will choose five people from the list you see best fit.
I'd be unsure of nominating any mods because I think that'd be a hassle for them. Regardless, my 5 nods are Sammi, FoxayLove, MrPeanut, ManDown, and Deuces. I like the idea of the 5 major stanbases each having their own representative, in a way.
I nominate two straights. TheGeoKing and Vin. They'll bring in the ratings. Geo will respond to everything. Maybe only with "Mess. " or "Mess. ," but he'll keep the thread at the top of ATRL's last commented threads thing. And Vin would do wonderfully discussing with a Gaga stan.
My fifth nomination to come shortly.
Edit: They changed the rules on me. It would be Peanutsus.
Although if Vin was in I would want a delusional monster.