Here are the punishments by the way
Level 1 Unbaptized babies and people lacking true faith - eternity in limbo
Level 2 Lustful - subject to a cyclone for eternity
Level 3 Gluttonous - punished in a cold rain storm
Level 4 Avaricious & Fallen angels- roll huge boulders at one another
Level 5 Wrathful and Sullen - trapped in a black bog
Level 6 Heretics - trapped in tombs of fire
Last three rings of hell are divided between the Violent, people who have committed Fraud and the Treacherous, and these rings are divided into parts:
Suicides - imprisoned in thorn trees and hunted by dogs
Violent against God - rain of fire (blasphemers lie flat under the rain, Sodomites run continually through the fire, Usurers take the rain sitting down)
Seducers and Panderers - whipped by demons
Flatterers - plunged in excrement
Simonists - plunged into holes in stone, with feet set alight
Diviners - weep from heads wrenched backwards on their shoulders
Grafters - lake of boiling tar
Thieves - harried by serpents
Evil counselors - swathed in flames
Schismatics - slashed by demons
Falsifiers - punished with disease