Favorite Song: Poker Face, I guess? This is hard though. Paparazzi, LoveGame, Heavy Metal Lover and Rock Show are strong contenders.
Least favorite song: Highway Unicorn. Straight up trash.
Favorite non single (if favorite song is a single): Heavy Metal Lover
Favorite single (if favorite song is not a single)
Favorite song lyrically: Rock Show
Favorite song vocally: Heavy Metal Lover actually.
Least favorite song lyrically: Bad Kids
Least favorite song vocally: Stuck on ****in' You. mess.
Most underrated song: Rock Show of course.
Most overrated song: Monster, Judas
Favorite album: The Fame Monster
Least favorite album: It's a tie between TF and BTW. I like both equally though.
Most underrated album: The Fame. Why do fans act like it's trash now?
Most overrated album: she doesn't really have an overrated one. If I had to say one I'd probably say The Fame Monster. It's
very good though.