Originally posted by LionH3art
I understand what it means, but the slogan black live matters implies something else and that's why I believe less people support it. It is honestly badly framed and it is ignorant to think everyone would just blindly see through this. The meaning of the movement doesn't transcend in the slogan.
The analogy is off. But okay sure: all diseases need a treatment, the treatments differ: however, to say that they need different treatments you are basically saying that black PEOPLE differ from asian PEOPLE... Can't be what you mean. Everyone should be treat the same independent of race. As I said not everyone is doing that. I know I do treat people the same and stimulate my friends in doing the same. That's the best solution. Word of mouth.
The way Black Americans are treated 100% is different from the way Asian-Americans are treated.
In white supremacist societies where the darkest of humans are considered the furthest from the ideal (whiteness), racism affects the darkest of those "othered" as "non-white" (colorism is a thing even amongst black people) in the harshest way. Anti-black racism exists and has a vastly different system in place to keep it working than anti-Asian or anti-Native racism.
Of course anti-Asian racism exists, but as what happens in all societies is that those on the most fringe can be scapegoated by others who are "othered" in an attempt by those closer to the "ideal" to transcend their constructed marginalization. And that's just in America. Anti-black racism is rampant throughout Asia, yet there's no country in the world where black people are free from anti-black racism, even in countries with black-majority populations.
And the actions of Black Lives Matter doesn't stop Asian-American groups from speaking out on their needs, just as it doesn't stop any non-white group from speaking out about their struggles. Black protest groups historically are some of the most supportive of other causes, yet have been used and exploited for decades, often used as a spring-board by non-black individuals for their own causes.
Whilst black Americans continue to face the harshest and deadliest racism in the country and the most brutalization throughout every single facet of life, they have every right to make sure their voices are heard, especially when no one else is trying to help them be heard.