And he says it's Rihanna. The voice is a little off but it's def her.
You and FAN () say its definitely her, while the rest say it isn't. This MAY be a song FOR Rihanna but how do you know it's definitely her? We've all heard her voice a lot to tell this isn't 100% her
Attention. If you say "This is a new song recorded by ____ (insert some unknown artist) but it's a demo that we hope Rihanna will choose to record", then no one will care. But if you say "This is a new song recorded by Rihanna", then people care.
Actually, this may be Rihanna. It sounds like a high pitched Rihanna, just like how some people do on YouTube because of CopyRights. He might have done that too because he obviously doesn't want to get sued.
Actually, this may be Rihanna. It sounds like a high pitched Rihanna, just like how some people do on YouTube do because of CopyRights. He might have done that because he didn't want to get sued his ass off.
No. It doesn't sound like Rihanna in any way, shape, or form.
Actually, this may be Rihanna. It sounds like a high pitched Rihanna, just like how some people do on YouTube do because of CopyRights. He might have done that because he didn't want to get sued his ass off.
While you can hear a bajan accent, definitely is not Rihanna. Sounds way too much like another artist, even if the pitch is off