I'm a vegetarian but I don't mind if somebody I date eats meat or whatever. As long they don't impose it on me, everything should be fine.
Originally posted by Matty
Originally posted by xLovatoEve
Originally posted by Muggwa
Yes, it honestly wouldn't affect me much. I won't interfere with their diet, they won't interfere with mine; everyone's happy.
Originally posted by jqnetto
to the others who said yes as well
Originally posted by Harmonic Dreamer
Yeah. Wouldn't matter to me.
I eat very little meat as it is anyway (mostly chicken and turkey meat) so I don't care.
Vegans are a little extreme though.
You can't eat the most delectable food, cheese.
No honey. No milk. That's a bit extreme, but I think I could make it work. Do vegans consume almond and soy milk?
Maybe that would be the alternative because soy milk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dairy milk.
Yes I think they do since its not animal/insect derived
A better question would be, "Would you marry a vegetarian or a vegan (if you're a meat eater)?" Marrying or cohabiting with someone whose dietary lifestyle isn't compatible with your own could get pretty dicey. Will you wind up having to make separate meals? Could someone's who's vegan pitch a fit if you wear leather shoes or bake a cake with eggs? It aint as simple as some of y'all are trying to make it out to be.
I did. It's not different than dating any other person. Like any relationship, you adapt to each others differences and make it work. I should add that she didn't care if people ate meat or not, it was her choice to be a vegetarian and wasn't going to impose her way of life on others
I know so many vegetarians who eat terribly, so I don't think dating one would help ME to eat better. and I don't eat a lot of meat as it is...it would be harder for me to stop eating things that have meat byproducts/flavorings in them.
dating a vegan, though.....that would be different for sure.