I will kill a bitch if G U Y doesnt win, idc if gaga isnt selling as well but GUY has the best video, unless good willed sistrene nicki drops her single and blows us away...I hope nicki does release anything. im sorry but beyonce doesnt have a video that deserves best female vids and neither does katy.
I'm curious for the noms and I have to admit that I'll be surprised if gaga gets any, not since 2010 has she gotten any real love from the VMAs. It'll be bey, Katy, & Miley who will be competing for reals.
but britney and justin already have it and they're both from bey's generation.....
They're pop singers & they're both white. the vmas favor this. Never mind that Justin & beyonce went solo around the same time and that she has more albums out than Justin. I like their music (JT & Britney) but they are over-rated.