Originally posted by bye
The chorus of River Lea copies a classic rock or country song, I can't place my finger on which one.
someone help me out.
It's just Danger Mouse's sound. The beginning is kind of reminiscent of "Like A Prayer." He's most famous for Gnarls Barkely's "Crazy."
I really like "When We Were Young," but it's not radio friendly. That said, Adele fever will probably propel it to the top.
The third and fourth singles should be "Send My Love" and "River Lea."
If there's a fifth, "Water Under The Bridge" is a good option. It would've made a good second single, too. If radio is hesitant to play "When We Were Young," they should send "Water" out quickly.
The Bruno Mars song is way too underproduced and grandiose for radio...it sounds like a Glee nightmare.