Mess @ me getting a WP for Insensitive when I am South African and it's a known fact here that the teenage pregnancy rate is synonymous to non-whites. And the person who reported me, is probably also the user from SA, who didn't "get" my post. But warn I guess
I think the [imgsize] function is broken? Unless you guys changed something about it
I used to do [imgsize=100] to make an image 100x100 but now it'll make it 100x___, but only if the height and width weren't the same in the original photo. It's messing up pictures in my Glee OP and some of my Best Of lists.
I think the [imgsize] function is broken? Unless you guys changed something about it
I used to do [imgsize=100] to make an image 100x100 but now it'll make it 100x___, but only if the height and width weren't the same in the original photo. It's messing up pictures in my Glee OP and some of my Best Of lists.
[IMGzoom=xx] is usually what I use to adjust image sizes