More praises for THE QUEEN
MissKellyO Kelly Osbourne
Kelly Clarkson looks amazing!!! Good for her !!!
PerezHilton Perez Hilton
Solid job, Kelly Clarkson! And she remembered all the lyrics! Extra credit for that and the high note towards the end! #MadonnaBowl
ClaudeKelly ClaudeKelly
you can ALWAYS count on @Kelly_Clarkson to kill it. unreal pipes. #StarSpangledBanner
billboard Billboard
So the 1st question: how many times do you think @Kelly_Clarkson studied the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner this year? #NeverForgetXtina
joshgroban josh groban
Kelly Clarkson RULED that anthem. And was so happy to see the Indianapolis Children's Choir with her! #FindYourLightFoundation #gosports
martinamcbride Martina McBride
@kelly_clarkson You were awesome. We all knew you would be.
kristiyamaguchi Kristi Yamaguchi
She wz great! "@CHRIS_Daughtry: I dare to say that @kelly_clarkson just sang THE best national anthem of all time!"
David_Boreanaz David Boreanaz
Kelly Clarkson bangs. That's all I gotta say...most exciting part of this game so far. #Snoozebowl
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We saw a 4300% spike in searches for @kelly_clarkson when she sang the National Anthem tonight! #superbowl
crystalbowersox Crystal Bowersox
Waaaay to go kelly!! You look and sound amazing!! . @kelly_clarkson
simoncurtis Simon Curtis
RCARecords RCA Records
Our girl @kelly_clarkson killed it! Let's get excited football fans!
Wishing "Stronger" to go number 1 on the Hot 100!!!!!!!!!!