I can't wait for this to start. Let's discuss all the worst moves from BBCan. As for me, in no particular order
1. Jordan volunteered to be a pawn during his number 1 ally HOH week. And Zach stupidly agreed to him.
2. Emmett voted to keep Gary over Talla in F4
3. The Gremlins chose to keep Adel over Arlie. Like really?
4. Bruno used his veto to save Zach and suddenly he became the number one target for Sarah & Britnee. Trash.
5. Sarah voted to keep Pilar over Willow because she was being paranoid. And Britt too for being paranoid over Willow/Sarah relationship.
6. Everything The Shelyd did in the first season. From voting out AJ over Andrew to Alec threw the POV to Peter being useless and didn't use the POV on Topaz. Worst alliance ever.
7. Queen Ika didn't listen to Queen Neda and decided to waste her HOH on Heather. But her plan still flopped hard and her pawn, Paul was eliminated.
8. Topaz for her flop voting skill.
9. Instead of playing the game, Kevin fell in love to Pili. He had so much potential. Flop.
10. Godfrey chose to bring Sarah to the final instead of Ashleigh. He could win with the votes from Sarah, Britt, Sindy, Bruno, Bobby and potentially, Willow too. Flop king.