Forever scores
10 -
9 - Ace Reject
8 -
7 - BlueTimberwolf
6.25 - JustLuke
6 - Subomie, SupremeGoddess, conatus
5 - X-Dre
4 - Vilppu
3 -
2.5 - Superiore
2 - Vulps, prezli
1 -
0 -
Y'all were not here for these b-sides. This is another lovely track, the guitar is really soothing. Thier voices are so nice and clear and... young. Makes me yearn for that MKS album that's never coming. Y'all ain't **** for this.
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Rocks scores
10 -
9 -
8.5 - Superiore
8 - Ace Reject
7.5 - Vilppu
7 - Subomie
6 - SupremeGoddess
5.5 - JustLuke
5 -
4 -
3 - conatus, Vulps
2 - prezli
1 - BlueTimberwolf
0 -
One of their better covers imo. Amelle is clearly the star in this one, her voice is gorgeous. It's a nice break from the damp covers that they served around this time so I'm a fan. Not mad it left though.
Favourite Song scores
10 - Ace Reject
9.25 - Subomie
9 -
8 - SupremeGoddess, BlueTimberwolf
7.5 - Superiore
7 -
6 - conatus
5 -
4 -
3 - Vilppu, X-Dre, prezli
2 -
1 -
0 - Vulps, JustLuke
Aw, now this is a shame. Just like Future Shokk! this is an experimental, balls to the wall type deal. I can see why someone could find it **** but it's kind of amazing to me? I wish the album had more crazy stuff like this and less safe, pedestrian stuff.
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Obsession scores
10 -
9 - SupremeGoddess, conatus
8 - BlueTimberwolf
7 -
6.5 - Vulps
6 - Superiore, X-Dre
5 -
4 - prezli
3.5 - Vilppu, JustLuke
3 - Ace Reject
2 -
1 -
0 - Subomie
This has got to be their worst album track ever. Talk about sucking the life out of a song, the original is so good and this is so ****ing flaccid. I mean, maybe they wanted it for the 80s direction they were headed but it's just a ****ing nuisance. This is b-side material, not what you put on a ****ing album.