What do you guys think about Ziggs APC?
I'm low-key living seeing mages in the ADC role because the average League player is so close-minded to trying different things. His damage to turrets is absurd though mid to late-game. People are also playing Cassio and Viktor bot.
I started thinking about which other mages could also do well in bot lane. These aren't anywhere near as good as Ziggs, but if more mages were to go bot: Fiddle, Karthus, Orianna & Anivia are some of the ones I thought of.
Fiddle has sustain and good poke, but he doesn't really have a reliable escape, just his fear. A good Fiddle might be able to peel for himself. I could see Fiddle/Thresh, Fiddle/Nami or Fiddle/Sona being good lanes.
Karthus is iffy cause he's pretty squishy but in the right hands I think he could be monstrous. Any combination of Archangels/Morellonomicon/ROA/Rylais/Void/Rabadons. Karthus APC with Soraka or Janna as a support sounds ridiculous.
Orianna has strong poke and a shield for trades, she has her W which speeds up and slows, plus a huge ultimate that is up relatively often. Her ball is basically a warding/zoning tool. I could see Ori/Janna or Ori/Sona being good lanes.
Anivia has strong damage and can wall off incoming ganks. She has her egg passive if she needs it. I think Anivia/Thresh or Anivia/Braum sound like fun lanes. Maybe even Soraka or Ashe or Bard as a support.
I think Jhin is fun to play, but he's way too good and I think he's part of this ADC falling out of favor problem tbh. No one can compete with his range/burst that effectively and other ADCs feel less impactful with his existence in the game IMO. Like a lot of people said with his release, he's like ADC Xerath. I know Tanks are an issue because they deal too much damage even with building tank stats, but I think people overlook Jhin.