I'm trying to get out of Silver but it's so hard lmao. My lane (I main support) always wins but the others won't stop feeding, especially top lane, taking champs like Garen, Malph and Riven then building full damage I can't. I also hate how everything is either the support or jungler's fault, when clearly the adc should be fed instead of playing safe the entirety of early game, and the top should be tanking instead of trying to get kills only to get jumped by their jungler all the time.
This game I was bot lane Zyra/Jinx and the girl kept screaming about "playing safe!!!" even tho we could CLEARLY kill Ezreal/Lux with ease. Then they complain you "KS" but they DON'T DO ****. Too much.
I finally climbed out of silver with Sona pre-mini rework. I think her range is even longer now? lol. Try Sona. Good poke, heal, movespeed, aoe stun and cdr.
I think I built her with Rod of Ages/Rylais, she slows and isn't as squishy, it's kinda op.
I could have mastery 7 on her but I don't feel like upgrading her
I'm finna be a Vayne god when I return on my new computer. I already slayed in high plat/low diamond mmr with vayne at 20 fps that always went below 5 in any exchange ever + 150 ping so when I'm back with new internet and a new computer I'm ready to SCALP
I just got a Dark Star Thresh skin shard That's my 2nd legendary skin I've got through crafting so far. And I don't even own Thresh yet.
Unfortunately I don't have the essence to get it yet tho anyway My other skin shards are El Tigre Braum (which I kinda want) and Masked Shaco (which is cheap and legacy so I've been holding onto it)
Ugh everyone is playing/banning Syndra now, because of These ****ing pro Players
I hope she gets nerfed, shes strong but so is kennen, velkoz and ANNIE(broken af)