nnnnn at the people here liking Amanda and GM just because they're against Steve.
Do ya'll ****ers remember the **** Amanda/GM said on the feeds. Anyone who's a fan of them are trash because they're extremely racist/homophobic/crazy.
The things y'all say in this thread... it's not SYG 2.0.
I hope next season's thread is more properly moderated. Do y'all get off on bullying these people or...
Like some of the posters here are straight up trash.
No one on this season did anything particularly evil or mean spirited at all to warrant your obsessive hatred. They'll all move on and ya'll will still say ****ed up ****.
The fact that y'all consider what is said here as inhumane
Stay off the internet or go play on Jokers if people having fun and mocking PUBLIC figures is too much for your sensitive eyeballs. No need to ruin everyone's fun just because you want everyone to sit around and sing Kumbaya while watching it happen on TV.
im finally watching BB10 and i just got to the keesha's birthday episode iconic.
literally everyone was fighting with each other and dan just sat there reading the bible
michelle's meltdown after the veto