Why would Clay want dry ass dusty ass Shelli when he can get the queen of BB17, the biggest star of the season so far and the most beautiful girl so far?
Why would Clay want dry ass dusty ass Shelli when he can get the queen of BB17, the biggest star of the season so far and the most beautiful girl so far?
Doing WWHL tonight.
poor Shelli
He ruined queens game tho, I can't forgive him and he was nasty to queen
omgggggg I asked James on periscope if Clay/Audrey are hooking up and he said "that's a very good question" and he sounded like he thinks it could be happening
The Amanda thing. I think he called her a bully and terrible person again (off of what he saw of BB15) in a recent interview he did. She can't really deny that she can be a gigantic bully because it was seen in graphic nature on the web and on television but "terrible person"? I'll cut her slack on that. Meet before you judge.