First of all we're now above 6 as the average score, hew else
This is actually pretty good. I like the guest rapper even though I have no idea who he is (if anyone knows then sharing is caring ), and the lyrics are actually pretty good. The vocals are a but too low in the mix for me but that's a problem with Arular in general so I have to deal with it
Also, shoutout to Diplo for his mix on the Piracy Funds Terrorism (such a good title ) mixtape, it's even better it actually sounds a lot more... full than the version on the album and has a grammatically correct title for once if only the rapper was on that version as well, the life I would get
Now this one isn't her worst song, not by a long shot, but it ain't great either. The beat is way too bass heavy and gives me a headache, and the vocals sound really tinny. To be honest this sounds like a leftover from Arular. It's kinda like a mission statement or, you know, a manifesto () in the lyrics though. I especially like the line about blowing people up who talk shizzle, like
Tbh it's a shame that this song was so poorly executed, it's got the potential to be a real anthem
Up next, a song which isn't a bonus track is eliminated