1. Picked ha most recent one
2. Picked ha most recent (and best) one
3. Picked ha best one, to be honest
4. Picked a recent one
5. I'm an idiot for not thinking of those uasfj
6. f
7. yep
8. poor flops
9. KK
10. yasss at me being second, dddd at holyground and I picking each other.
11. Welp, just picked that one because it was posted in the thread. This one was so varied.
12. Good enough. Possibly the messiest question yet.
13. Obviously
14. Both of the top 2 would work
15. Y'all ain't right, Gabegabe and EuphorianSea
Round prediction: #11
Overall prediction: #1 (since I still have a nice lead + have extended it due to the bonus points)