Oh and the Charmings are the most useless leads EVER! Bitch Mary Margaret is just there to get knocked on the floor unconscious and David is just there to pull a sword at some magical creature that he absolutely knows he won't be able to defeat with a stupid sword just to get knocked on the floor unconscious!
Even Regina, my fave, is weak now!
Originally posted by dancepopCC
I'm surprised the town hasn't revoked yet, like aurora, the merry men was just dragged into storybrooke for no reason. Prince Philip is royalty too! He should challenge the charmings leadership for time and time again causing havoc to the town. Time for a civil war arc to be honest.
I'm here for the entire town to be against that Charming family and their squad. I wanna see the people getting fed with the town always getting threatened because of them. It's annoying to see the sheriff of that town, stupid David, always breaking the law because he's a good person, so he can!