Originally posted by Katie
Yeah! Something sweet and simple, but still pretty and charming. Just like Hilary herself
And this will mean all of her albums have a completely different sound/theme, which is a rarity these days. Bubblegum tween, semi-punk girl rock, dance and emotional, and then the upcoming one.
I want Hilary to write the song completely by herself also. See people don't give Hilary enough credit, she is moved along with the times pretty well and is always creating a new sound for herself without even missing a beat, all of her albums are perfect for the time they were released and that is the case especially with Dignity. With the next album I want Hilary to continue to surprise us even more, I want her to step outside of the box but I don't want her to go so far in left field that people cannot relate to her music and what she is singing about. I could go on all day about what I want but I will just stop right there.
Originally posted by Right Now
The queen never repeats herself
R&B/dance sounding album please with deep and emotional lyrics.
Dignity with a mix of Holiday and Any Other Day >
My body is oh so ready!