Originally posted by Celestial
Jeff said Dani has to go this week. Production may have spoken to him, but it didn't work! I just hope Porsche comes off the block when Dani comes up. Then Dani has to work on Shelly and Adam, hopefully production will too. It makes no sense for them to vote Dani out over Kalia. She'd be going after J/J/R if she stays.
@Jewfro Dani is smart but she let her ego get the best of her. She insisted on doing everything the hard way this season, and didn't leave herself covered in the end. Her side had power for three weeks, they could have done so much more with it.
They made some messy moves, but you know that things would be completely different right now with the twist. They could have easily gotten Brendan, Rachel, and Shelly out without it.
Honestly I wish Brendan and Rachel weren't so stupid, and backdoored Jeff when they could. Who knows, it might have even helped them (even though it would have been better for Dani's game