I'ma bit late but i didn't even notice Vision in the shot.
Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Vision, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver all in the same fight scene. I am NOT ready for this. Hopefully Falcon joins in on the action.
Scarlett lost too much weight after giving birth, her best was Iron Man 2/ The Avengers. Hopefully she realises that before she ends up like Megan Fox.
Overall, Age of Ultron is pacey at its running length, funny when it needs to be, scary when it can be and not ashamed of what it is - an all-out comic-book blockbuster.
Age of Ultron is still an enjoyable superhero feature, another impressive feat from Marvel and bound to excite fans around the world. It would have been next to impossible to recapture the alchemy of The Avengers and instead this film does a solid job of reminding us what these heroes are up to, and subtly pointing us forward to the delights to come from the MCU.