so I guess she's not aware she's dating a gay boy then
Don't expect to have a serious conversation with me then. I've just been raising points and if you will say that don't expect me to care for your opinion.
What I'm asking you is to see women who shave their legs in the same way you see women making any other completely innocuous personal choice. Cause that's all it is. It's not disgusting. You've just been taught that by men and for some reason completely buy into it. There's no need to tell women they are going to be undesirable because of it.
Black women put up with **** like this on a daily basis. They are told curly or kinky hair is not a good look and that men will not want them if they keep it. So millions of dollars are spent by black women to make their hair into what (white) men say it should look like.
The people in here going off on women with unshaved legs are EXACTLY like the people who get angry about this:
I've never seen anyone complain about black women wearing their natural hair. I actually prefer that over weave, but again, that's just me.
I said at the end of the day saying harry legs on women is gross to those straight men doesn't stop the fact that acting like a queen as a man isn't also gross to them.
Originally posted by Javan
Men are becoming women, and women are becoming men. Our generation is so lost.
ATRL expects to find another masculine acting man to be into their fangirling, queen like behavior, and feminine attitude but can't accept the idea of a man being into a woman with hairy legs.
A woman with hairy legs is just as gross as a man on a Pop Forum pretending to be a Queen in a str8 man's eyes.
nobody's asking people to find it attractive, however we're asking them to stop with their "nobody's going to love you, you're going to die a virgin and no man will want to touch you if you don't shave your legs" attitude
Exactly. There's a place in between 'omg im a manchild women with body hair ew!!!11 " and "I want to **** women with body hair"
I said at the end of the day saying harry legs on women is gross to those straight men doesn't stop the fact that acting like a queen as a man isn't also gross to them.
I like my smooth legs thanks. I don't shave in the winter the though becuase I can't be bothered but when I wear a dress or skirt shaved legs make me feel sexy, no man can tell me what to do
I think letting it grow so much that you look like a grizzly bear (last pic) is a bit excessive though
Like keep it tame, men and women