Forums are supposed to be a place for an abundance of information for everyone to talk about
You going to ban a thread about a new artist?
I really don't give a **** but I think whole thing is bogus and everyone just likes to attack everyone else.... I hope some of you have lives outside of this webpage
Carlos is banned also, I've noticed there have been alot of bannings lately, but I guess is because they did not behave or they said something unappropraite, I don't know the reason why Manu & Rico was banned, but i know that Carlos was banned because he made fun of a blogvibes's face in the Mariah Carey thread & blogvibe reported it to Johnny.
So yeah, I decided to randomly play this song and I remember how amazing it is. Seriously, I'm so mad that My December flopped. Oh well, can't wait for new Kelly.
What are some songs you randomly think of that are 1 or 2 or 3 years old and then play and realized how much you loved them?