Today was a busy day for me. I got enough candies to get Alakazam. Then I went to a Horsea frequent spawner and caught a couple. Then I went to a Slowpoke next, and went from like 15 candies, to 49. Then I went to a Bellsprout frequent spawner, and caught a couple.
I hatched a Goldeen and a Shellder, which is fine, because I need the candies for both. For living in SoCal, I have a poor amount of water Pokemon.
I have a dilemma. I have a Slowpoke with CP 561, with 84% IV (12/11/15). Then I have a Slowpoke CP 375, 93% IV (15/15/12). Which one should I evolve? The higher CP, but a bit lower IV? Or the higher IV, with a bit lower CP?