Originally posted by Aciid
Can't wait for this RBY hype to fizzle out
Originally posted by Subomie
girl just let the sheep fund the next games
if they wanna buy completely defective inferior products out of a nostalgia trip then let them, just dont spam your runs in here
Really confused as to why this bothers y'all so much. Who cares why we're buying? Why are we affected by you thinking they're "completely defective" (false) and "inferior" (subjective)? Why can't people post updates on their progress through the games when many people didn't even live through or play through the games when they were first released and when ATRL wasn't even online for the initial release?
I don't mean for this to come off as an attack or as being too harsh, but I just think it's perfectly fine for people to buy them, play them, and discuss them at whatever length they please.