ATRL Big Brother All-Stars | Day 43: A mild POV ceremony!
Day 43: POV Competition In the Backyard... Matty: It's time for the POV Competition!!!
[The 6 contestants playing enter the backyard]
Matty: Let's see what you played... POV Game: Crazy Taxi Objective: If you participated in Sates BOTS game then you have played this before. Use the left/right/up keys to move along the road and use the spacebar to jump over the cars. The highest score wins POV!
Matty: We are down to our final 2... BeamMeUp and Celestial. One person received 58472 points while the other received 68854 points!
[Will is looking chill like yup I won]
Matty: Alright lets head into the living room to see who BeamMeUp saves!!! In the Living Room...
BeamMeUp: Hello all to the POV ceremony. Since I won POV I have the choice to save either Mr.Link or Qwerty. Well I have decided...
..... TO
[Camera flashes to Mr.Link and Qwerty looking upset]
BeamMeUp: With that said the POV ceremony is adjourned
[Will goes to sit back down with the rest of his people]
Matty: Well there you have it! We now have on the nomination block Mr.Link & Qwerty! One person will be leaving us at the upcoming eviction. I will be sending the HOH in the next hour!